Sylvia Grant

If You Leave, Can I Come Too?
Hello! My name is Sylvia Grant and I work for ‘I Is For Investigate’ as Researcher and Archivist.
I met Eoghan Blakewell when I was hired by the Research Centre at the Department of Para-Scientific Research. I was only twenty-three at the time, making me the youngest staff member and I felt a little out of place at times.
Our initial meeting wasn’t on the best terms. Eoghan came into the Research Centre after I’d only been there three months, and said he had volunteered to help me with my research. I was rather upset upon hearing this, thinking that it meant I wasn’t doing as well as expected. I was quite wrong: He explained that he was a seer and I was to make him a part of my study! He spent many hours in the Research Centre with me, and we quickly became friends - we had the same sense of humour and both read ‘Strange Sagas’ magazine and were into old Hammer Horror movies. From that point on, I felt much more comfortable in my new position and he did a lot to help my confidence.
In 2016, when he told me that he was leaving the DPSR to start ‘I Is For Investigate’, I was… well, upset! He was my favourite person to go to lunch with, and not just because he frequently picked up the tab. He seemed like a big brother to me… okay, sometimes he seemed like a younger brother lol!
You can imagine how happy I was when he asked me if I’d consider joining the IIFI staff if his plans came to fruition.
It ended up being a life-changing decision. Less than a year after joining the IIFI, a young man named Anton Teodorescu joined us part time, learning the ropes so he could switch careers. Eoghan asked me to stick with him for a while and document the phenomonon occurring at his family’s home and antique shop. Fastforward to New Years Day 2022: Tony and I became engaged. And if we can ever find the time to get married (I hope you’re reading this, Eoghan!), we’ll have a certain seer to thank.